Grassroots military organizations ask Congress to save the CFPB
HOUSINGWIRE May 25th, 2017
As the Financial CHOICE Act winds its way through the House of Representatives, two grassroots organizations that represent current and former members of the military are asking the members of Congress to leave the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau alone and allow the bureau to continue functioning as it does now.

For President Trump’s First Trip Home, Not Exactly a Warm Welcome
VOGUE May 4th, 2017

Trump set up a hotline for information about criminal aliens. Twitter trolls took him literally.
WASHINGTON POST April 30th, 2017
“We have power to stop things. We have power to speak out — to show that there are things that we won’t accept.” Calling the VOICE network to report that Alf is trying to eat cats or Superman has engaged in an act of wanton property damage is absurd, McCoy told The Post. But so is the concept of VOICE.

First 100 Days of Resistance
CNN Apr 28th, 2017
Pam Campos, Director of Common Defense, tells Don Lemon that Trump's first 100 Days of hate, recklessness, and zero transparency prove his administration is fundamentally #Illegitimate.

Veterans question first lady's silence on military photo scandal
MILITARY TIMES Mar 13th, 2017
“We are waiting for our first lady to support our women in uniform against continued harassment,” said Navy veteran Trina McDonald with the group Common Defense, which in a news release distributed Monday implored Melania Trump to “break her silence and speak up.”

OP-ED: More Than Just Marines Behaving Badly
NEW YORK TIMES Mar 8th, 2017
"If our leaders are serious about making the Marine Corps the best it can be, and if they want to avoid repeated scandals, they must change the culture... this kind of behavior isn’t a joke or a normal part of building cohesion but a weakness — and a betrayal of our core values of honor, courage and commitment." - Alex McCoy

Hiring-freeze confusion hits military parents
WASHINGTON POST Feb 24th, 2017
"Before the waivers were granted, Common Defense said the day-care cuts 'directly damage military readiness, and place an unacceptable burden upon service members and their families, who are already sacrificing so much for our country,' and 'undermine the military’s efforts to support military spouses building sustainable careers of their own.'”

Neo-Nazis Came For This Small Town. Can You Keep Them From Coming For Yours?
BUZZFEED Feb 12th, 2017
Iraq War veteran Josh Manning speaks during a Martin Luther King Day gathering. “I’m a secular Jew,” he said. “Part of me didn’t want to come, though, because I’m not from Whitefish. But Montana is one big small town.”

After WH demands McCain apologize for criticizing US raid, Vet calls it "shameful"
CNN Feb 9th, 2017
“I think it’s our obligation whenever any service member is killed, when an 8-year-old girl is killed, when we lose the right to conduct ground operations out of country that has otherwise hosted special operations troops, I think it’s our obligation as Americans to be asking questions about what decision-making went into this.” - Perry O'Brien

Veterans Talk About Why They Joined The Women’s March In DC
TASK AND PURPOSE Jan 22nd, 2017
“My husband and son are military and Donald Trump has been so reckless... I hope that the veteran voice is recognized here, to say that the military community is no more hardened to the cost of war than the average citizen.” - Nicola Batts | Army spouse and mother of a soldier

"This is bigger than Donald Trump"
CNN NEW DAY Jan 21st, 2017
"The next administration and frankly lawmakers across the political spectrum need to wake up and start being accountable to our people." - Pam Campos

'People's Lives Depend on It': Women on Why They're Marching
ROLLING STONE Jan 21st, 2017
"As a woman, I feel I need to be vocal about oppression. As a veteran, I'm obligated to stand up for my rights and for the rights of others." - Jessica Allier-Lopez

Militar y líder de un movimiento anti-Trump: hablamos con Pam Campos
PLAYGROUND Jan 20th, 2017
"Si Trump se enfada por un tuit y vamos a la guerra, irán mis amigos" - Pam Campos

THE MARCHERS - Three women from across the US tell BuzzFeed News why they’re joining the Women's March
BUZZFEED Jan 17th, 2017
“We’ve been fighters for a long time. I think the march has been stained by people saying, ‘Oh, this is just people who can’t take the end results,’” Campos-Palma said. “The march isn’t about ‘I’m against Donald Trump.’ The march is about abundance. I’m here, and we’re gonna do something, and you need to pay attention to us.” - Pam Campos

9 Men on Why They’re Joining the Women’s March on Washington
NEW YORK MAGAZINE Jan 12th, 2017
“I’m attending the march with a group of women veterans. I’ll march behind them, because I’ve been led by women before — and my big Marine Corps ego survived just fine. It’s time the country sees that following a woman’s leadership doesn’t make a man weak.” - Alexander McCoy

Joshua Manning: I worked at Flynn’s DIA, and I fear that he will put us on the road to war with Iran
FOREIGN POLICY Dec 7th, 2016
"As a former Army intelligence soldier and then analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency, I believe that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the president-elect's pick for national security advisor, presents a clear and present danger to our national security."

In Trump’s Security Pick, Michael Flynn, ‘Sharp Elbows’ and No Dissent
NEW YORK TIMES Dec 3rd, 2016
“To ask employees to look for the .0001 percent chance of something when you have an actual emergency and dead Americans is beyond the pale,” said Joshua Manning, an agency analyst from 2009 to 2013.

To My Future President
AJ+ Nov 3rd, 2016
"Ramon Mejia, a Mexican-American Muslim Marine Corps vet, has something to tell the next president of the U.S."

Female Veterans Just Released This Anti-Trump Ad and It’s Devastating
U.S. UNCUT October 27th, 2016
"In perhaps the most explosive ad of the election season, female veterans are personally speaking out against Donald Trump’s misogyny and bluster."

Military vets protest outside Trump Tower after The Donald blasted PTSD sufferers
NY DAILY NEWS Oct 4th, 2016
“What Donald Trump did was very, very, very damaging to the cause of getting people to seek treatment,” said Katherine Scheirman, a Manhattan resident who served 20 years as a military doctor in the Air Force. “It’s so frightening to think of him as our commander in chief.”

Veterans Rally at Trump Tower After GOP Candidate's PTSD Comments
NBC New York Oct 4, 2016

Crystal, a US Army Veteran and sexual assault survivor, responds to Donald J. Trump.
MoveOn.org Sep 8th, 2016

Marco Rubio pressed to shun Trump by vet mother
TAMPA BAY TIMES August 18th, 2016
A group of veterans protested at Sen. Marco Rubio's Tampa campaign office Thursday, demanding that he withdraw his support of Donald Trump... "The leaders within his party cannot support that kind of person for commander-in-chief," said Dessia Laxton-Reinke of Tampa. "He does not respect the sacrifices of American military families. He does not espouse the values that we defend."

John McCain Tries (And Fails) to Avoid Questions About Donald Trump
NBC NEWS Aug 18th, 2016
"McCain avoided saying Donald Trump's name at a national security roundtable event in Phoenix, Arizona, but could not evade a bevy of Trump related questions, including one about a group of veterans poised to deliver 100,000 signatures to his office asking him to denounce Trump."

WATCH: Military Vet Nate Terani Asks McCain to Denounce Trump
FOX 10 PHOENIX Aug 18th, 2016
"Military veteran Nate Terani joined other vets to drop off 110,000 signatures at Sen. John McCain's office earlier today, asking him to denounce Donald Trump because of his attacks on the Gold Star family of Humayun Khan, a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq."

Veterans call on McCain to dump Trump
USA TODAY Aug 5th, 2016
“Donald Trump and his surrogates have demonstrated that their bigotry and hate speech know no bounds,” said Nate Terani, a Muslim Navy veteran from Arizona. “And they hold no American value or ideal as sacred.”
Military veterans demand Republicans unendorse Trump and his 'ignorance'
THE GUARDIAN Aug 4th, 2016
Crystal Cravens, an ex-army sergeant, said: “When Trump attacks the Khan family, he attacks all military families who have lived experiences that Trump will never know. Trump’s message seeks to divide our country, and a nation divided against itself cannot stand."

U.S. Veterans Call On McCain To Rescind Trump Endorsement
NBC NEWS Aug 4th, 2016
"A group of U.S. military veterans spoke out against Donald Trump at a press conference on Thursday, calling on Sen. John McCain and others to rescind their endorsement of Trump."

Vets Crash John McCain’s Office, Ask Him To Dump Trump
Mickiela Montoya, an Army vet from California, appealed to McCain to “do what you know in your heart is right” when it comes to Trump. The real estate mogul is “only interested in his own personal profit,” said Montoya. “His history reflects that. Please withdraw your endorsement immediately.”

#VetsVsHate Protests In Front of Trump Towers
NBC NEWS Aug 1, 2016
"Group featuring veterans, religious and interfaith organizations gathered in front of Trump Tower to denounce the comments by Donald Trump."

300 protest outside Trump speech in Colorado Springs
KRDO (ABC) Jul 29th, 2016

Activists Block RNC Entrance with Mock Border Wall
DEMOCRACY NOW! July 21, 2016

Protesters in Cleveland Bring the Wall to Donald Trump
THE NATION July 21, 2016
“He’s been calling for a wall…and we’re bringing it.”

Veterans Reject "Singularly Shameful" Donald Trump
GAWKER July 19th, 2016

Meet the Iraq War Veterans Trying to Keep the Peace at the RNC
THE STRANGER Jul 18, 2016

These veterans are standing up to Donald Trump over his hateful rhetoric and policies.

Veterans Aren’t Campaign Props
THE NEW YORK TIMES June 2nd, 2016
On Tuesday, Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, called a news conference to discuss his promise to donate to veterans’ charities, made with a splash in January, but not quite fulfilled until reporters looked into whether the donation was actually made.

Iraq War Veteran on Protesting Trump: We Do Not Want to Be Used as Props for Hate
DEMOCRACY NOW June 2nd, 2016
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is facing scrutiny this week after questions emerged over what happened to millions of dollars he allegedly raised for veterans at a fundraiser in January. Trump held the fundraiser on January 28 after he refused to take part in a debate organized by Fox News. At the time, Trump claimed he had raised over $6 million, but a recent Washington Post investigation revealed that only about half of the money was actually paid out to veterans groups. Soon after the Post article was published, Trump began cutting more checks. More than a dozen veterans’ groups reported receiving money from Trump over the past week. On Tuesday, Trump held a press conference to defend his actions, and lambasted the press. Outside the press conference, members of the group Vets Vs. Hate protested. We speak to one of them, Iraq War veteran Julio Torres.

Donald Trump Lashes Out at Media While Detailing Gifts to Veterans
NEW YORK TIMES May 31st, 2016
He called a news conference ostensibly to answer questions about his fund-raising for charities that benefit military veterans. But Donald J. Trump instead spent most of his time on live television Tuesday berating the journalists covering his presidential campaign in unusually vitriolic and personal terms.
“You’re a sleaze,” he told a reporter for ABC.

Montoya: I Don’t Know Any Veterans Voting For Trump
FOX NEWS RADIO May 31st, 2016
Tuesday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” Alan spoke with Mickiela Montoya, a combat veteran who was at the #VetsVsHate protest being help outside Trump Tower as Donald Trump was holding a press conference to announce where the money he collected for veterans charities was going.

Anti-Trump veterans: Stop using us as "political props"
REUTERS May 31st, 2016
A group of veterans gather outside Trump Tower in New York City to protest presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, following his news conference detailing what happened to contributions he raised for veterans.

Trump blasts media, says he has given $5.6M to vets groups
USA TODAY May 31st, 2016
Under pressure to account for charity funds for veterans, an angry and irritated Donald Trump outlined charities Tuesday he says have now received millions of dollars. Trump repeatedly criticized the press for making the money an issue.

Anti-Trump and pro-Trump veterans debate Donald Trump's record
CNN May 31st, 2016

Vets Group Demands Trump Apology
MSNBC May 27th, 2016
A Washington Post report says Donald Trump has not raised the 6 million dollars he claimed to have raised the night he skipped an RNC debate. That’s one reason a group of veterans protested outside of Trump Tower.

Veterans Group Calls Out Trump For Overstating Donations
THINK PROGRESS May 23rd, 2016
“Trumpty Dumpty didn’t serve. Trumpty Dumpty broke his word.”
A U.S. Marine Corp veteran held a sign reading those words while standing outside Trump Tower in New York on Monday, calling attention to the Trump campaign’s recent admission that it did not raise $6 million for veterans’ charities as it touted in January.

Veterans Protest Donald Trump Over Charity Pledge
A dozen military veterans protested outside Trump Tower in New York City on Monday morning, accusing Donald Trump of using former soldiers as props for his presidential campaign.
“We’re here as a group of veterans to reject Donald Trump,” said protest organizer Alexander McCoy, a 27-year-old former Marine. He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee failed to follow through on a promise to raise and donate millions of dollars to veterans.